Visual Arts – Art or Design

SACE Credits: 10

Visual Arts – Art Teacher: Angela Facchini

Visual Arts – Design Teacher: Lisa Coultas


Want to be the next Frida Kahlo? Then this subject is for you! Art provides a background in 2D and 3D art practices with specific art movements discussed e.g. Pop Art, Surrealism, Minimalism etc. Looking at contemporary and historical work will help students build on their existing skills and knowledge required to create and analyse works of art and design. It aims to develop and enhance creativity, artistic self-confidence, and problem solving skills. Art will also give students a broader awareness of the role visual arts can play in both a historical, contemporary and local context.



Want to be the next Coco Chanel? Then this subject is for you! Design provides a background in 2D and 3D design practices with specific design movements discussed e.g. De Stijl, Bauhaus, Art Nouveau etc. Looking at contemporary and historical work will help students build on their existing skills and knowledge required to create and analyse works of art and design. It aims to develop and enhance creativity, artistic self-confidence, and problem solving skills. Design will also give students a broader awareness of the role visual arts can play in both a historical, contemporary and local context.


For both courses you will attend exhibitions at the Adelaide Fringe, Art Gallery South Australia, SALA Festival and SACE Art Show with the intention of strengthening your analytical skills and art vocabulary as well as developing a greater appreciation for original art and design.


  • Assessment Type 1: Folio (40%)
  • Assessment Type 2: Practical (30%)
  • Assessment Type 3: Visual Study (30%)


Both of these courses will prepare the students for Stage 2 Visual Arts – Art or Stage 2 Visual Arts – Design.