Year 12 Lesson – Classical Studies
As there is no exam for Classical Studies, there will be a lesson. All Classics students are required to attend.
As there is no exam for Classical Studies, there will be a lesson. All Classics students are required to attend.
As there is no exam for English, there will be a lesson. All English students are required to attend.
Be in the exam room 15 minutes before exam starts. All Maths Methods students are required to attend.
As there is no exam for Society & Culture, there will be a lesson. All S&C students are required to attend.
As there is no exam for English Essentials, there will be a lesson. All EE students are required to attend.
Are you interested in going to Flinders Uni? If so this test can enhance your chances of getting in. See Amber for more details.
To celebrate our brilliant Year 12's completing their secondary schooling at Muirden Senior College! Familes & partners welcome to attend. 4 tickets maximum per student (please let Kate know if you would like more tickets). Please visit the Ticketbo website to purchase tickets or see...
SACE Stage 2 Exam. Be in the exam room at least 15 minutes before exam start time.
Stage 2 SACE Exam. Be in the exam room at least 15 minutes before exam start time
SACE Stage 2 Exam. Be in the exam room at least 15 minutes before exam start time.