Be in the exam room 15 minutes before start of exam. All Legal Studies students required to attend.
As there is no exam for Art, students will have a lesson. All Art students are required to attend.
As there is no exam for IPP, there will be a lesson. All IPP students are required to attend.
Be in the exam room 15 minutes before exam starts. All Chemistry students are required to attend.
Be in the exam room 15 minutes before exam starts. All Accounting students are required to attend.
Be in the exam room 15 minutes before exam starts. All Modern History students are required to attend.
Be in the exam room 15 minutes before exam starts. All Politics students are required to attend.
As the students of English Literary Studies have already had their practice exam there will be a lesson. All ELS students are required to attend.
As there is no exam for Business & Enterprise, there will be a lesson. All B&E students are required to attend.